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女,加拿大约克大学卫生政策和全球健康系研究生项目主任、副教授;National Health Program医生,曾任加州分会主席,目前是旧金山分会的活跃成员。

1985:阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯国立大学获医学博士学位;    2006:美国加州大学圣克鲁斯分校获社会学博士学位。





2019. Claudia Chaufan. "The unbearable lightness of the dominant narrative on Cuba." The Lancet 394(10200): 734.

2019. Claudia Chaufan and D. Saliba (2019). "The global diabetes epidemic and the nonprofit state corporate complex: Equity implications of discourses, research agendas, and policy recommendations of diabetes nonprofit organizations." Social Science & Medicine 223: 77-88.

2018. Claudia Chaufan, C. "A “genetic predisposition” for diabetes or for speaking Spanish? A critical analysis of the Sigma Initiative in Genomic Medicine for the Americas." Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studies.

2017. P. Ford-Jones and C. Chaufan. "A critical analysis of debates around mental health calls in the prehospital setting." INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing.

2017. C. Chaufan, Mi-kung Hong and A. Fernandez. "“Lost in translation”: How clinicians make sense of structural barriers to diabetes care among US Latinos with limited English proficiency." Research in the Sociology of Health Care.

2016.  Claudia Chaufan. "What Can US Single-Payer Supporters Learn From the Swiss Rejection of Single Payer?" International Journal of Health Services 46(2): 331-345.2015.

2015. Claudia Chaufan, Catherine Chesla, Hegla Fielding and Alicia Fernandez, “It’s not the doctor – it’s me”: How self-blame obscures language and other structural barriers to diabetes care among low-income Latinos with limited English proficiency. Research in the Sociology of Health Care Vol. 33, p.p.187-208

2014. Claudia Chaufan, Jarmin Yeh, Leslie Ross and Patrick Fox, You cannot bike or walk yourself out of poverty: Active school transport, child obesity, and blind spots in the public health literature. Critical Public Health, DOI: 10.1080/09581596.2014.920078

2014. Claudia Chaufan and Yi-Chang Li, Can information technology improve health care equity in the United States? Lessons from Taiwan. Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Vol. 32, 19-33.

2013. Claudia Chaufan and Jay Joseph, The “missing heritability” of common disorders: Should health researchers care? International Journal of Health Services, 43 (2): 281–303


1. 1996. Alberto Cormillot, Claudia Chaufan and Estela Dima. Guia de Alimentación Para los Argentinos, Primera Edición. Buenos Aires: Instituto Argentino de la Nutrición
2. 1996. Alberto Cormillot, Claudia Chaufan and Estela Dima. Alimentación Sana, Recetas Inteligentes.
Buenos Aires, Barcelona y México: Paidós
3. 1995. Alberto Cormillot, Claudia Chaufan and Estela Dima, Pastas que no engordan, Buenos Aires:
Centro de Especialización y Desarrollo
4. 1994. Claudia Chaufan. Momentos de Buenos Aires (poems). Buenos Aires: Ediciones Eleusis
5. 1992. Alberto Cormillot, Claudia Chaufan and Estela Dima. La Dieta del 2000. Buenos Aires, Barcelonay Mejico: Paidós




