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程峰 清华大学.jpg


    2014- 至今 清华大学医学院公共健康中心 研究员

    2013-2014  全球健康战略 副总裁

    2003-2012  家庭健康国际组织 总监

    2000-2003 中国预防医学科院中英性病艾滋病项目 经理、研究员

    1996-1999 湖北省疾病预防与控制中心计划免疫科 副主任医师

    1992-1995 利物浦大学 热带医学博士

    1991-1992 昆士兰大学 热带医学硕士

    1985-1990 湖北省医学科学院寄生虫病研究所 医师、主管医师

    1980-1985 同济医科大学 医学学士



1.  艾滋病防控技术的实证研究

2.  移动APP为载体的尼古丁成瘾戒断疗法

3.    一带一路背景下的全球健康策略研究


    传染病, 新技术,全球卫生与健康


    1.Junfang Xu, Peicheng Wang, Feng Cheng*. 2020.Health related behaviors among HIV-infected people who are successfully linked to care: an institutional-based cross-sectional study. Infect Dis Poverty 9:28.

    2. Junfang Xu, Anders Sönnerborg, Liangmin Gao, Peicheng Wang, Jennifer Z.H. Bouey , Feng Cheng*.2020.Delayed Treatment for People Living with HIV in China, 2004–2016: An Analysis of An Observational Cohort .Int J Environ Res Public Health 17.

    3. Junfang Xu, Brick J, Xiaoxing Fu, Chunyan Su, Feng Cheng*. 2019.Design and Development of Smoking Cessation Apps Based on Smokers' and Providers' Perspectives in China: Survey Study. J Med Internet Res 7:e12200.

    4.  高良敏,程峰*.2019.阿迦汗发展网络:东非百年全球卫生治理经验与借鉴”. 太平洋学报7: 93-104.

    5. Junfang Xu, Feng Cheng*. 2018.Time between diagnosis and initiation of antiretroviral therapy among people infected with HIV/AIDS from 2004 to 2016 in China: a retrospective database study. The Lancet 392: S8.

    6.  Jing Liao, Feng Cheng, Asher Harris, Dong Xu.2018.The new face of China’s foreign aid: where do we go from here? The Lancet 392:636.

    7.  Feng Cheng, Junfang Xu, Chunyan Su, Xiaoxing Fu.2017.Content analysis of smartphone Apps for smoking cessation in China. J Med Internet Res 5(7): e93

    8. JunfangXu, YuqianZhang, ChengxuanQiu, FengCheng*. 2017.Global and regional economic costs of dementia: a systematic review. The Lancet 390: S47.

    9.  Dong Xu,Feng Cheng,Yingyao Chen,Yuantao Hao,Judith Wasserheit.2016.Harnessing China's universities for global health. The Lancet 388(10054):1860-1862.

    10.  程峰.2015. 援助 合作 共融(中非卫生合作评论).《 人民日报 》.


    Email: fcheng at mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

    Phone: +86-010-62784604